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Health Tech

When a student does not feel well, the student should:
  • Report to class and request a pass from the teacher to go to the Health Office.
  • Students may stay in the Health Office for up to 15 minutes. If symptoms progress, parent/guardian will be called to take student home. 
  • If the student needs to go home due to illness, the Health Aide will contact a parent/guardian or emergency contact. The student will be given a “Permit To Be Absent” by the Health Aide. Due to safety reasons, students are not allowed to contact parents from the classroom or by cell phone for pick up.
  • If a student is ill and NO ONE CAN BE REACHED, they may rest in the Health Office for a brief period or return to class.
  • If the Health Office is closed, students may go to the Attendance Office.
Under no circumstances should a student leave campus without permission. Rancho San Juan High is a closed campus. The student must have a "Permit to be Absent." If your student goes off campus without permission, he/she may receive a citation from the Salinas Police Department and may be required to appear in court for truancy.  
**Truant absences may result in loss of eligibility to participate in school activities.
**Parents please be aware of the attendance procedures and understand that attendance is crucial for your students’ success in high school.
  • Please submit form to the Health Tech upon completion.